The May and Deal families blessed our church by giving planned gifts to be used as scholarships for higher education. The Scholarship Committee is now accepting applications for the May-Deal Scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year. The requirements are as follows:
- Applicants shall be residents of Arkansas.
- Applicants shall need financial assistance in obtaining the higher education he or she seeks.
- Undergraduate applicants must be full-time students.
The application process is competitive for a fixed pool of scholarship funds. Usually, in-coming freshmen applicants need to be in the upper 20% of their high school class. Those already in college must be in good standing and on schedule to graduate with their freshman class. The application deadline for the 2016-2017 school year is June 10, 2016. Applications that are incomplete or late will not be considered. Applications are available from Heather Rey or Aileen Moore. Completed applications should be submitted to Aileen Moore.