Worshiping on Mother’s Day, May 13, 11:00 a.m.

On Sunday, May 13, our morning worship offerings will be different. The 8:30 a.m. traditional service will take place in the Sanctuary with a sermon and adult choir leadership. At the 9:00 a.m. contemporary service in Second Hall, the Lord’s Supper, spoken sermon, and praise band will take place. And at 11:00 a.m., our Children’s Choir will share with us the musical, It’s Okay to be Different, by Gene Grier, Lowell Everson, & Natalie Sleeth during the proclamation of the word. This service will take place in the Great Hall.

What’s this musical about? Just imagine what this world would be like if we were all the same. By recognizing that we are all God’s children, that God loves us all equally, and that we are all different, we begin to break down some of the divisions our world creates. Accepting ourselves opens us up to accepting others.

Loving our own unique qualities, strengths, and talents, and accepting our individuality, allows us all to claim our own special purpose in furthering the work of God’s kingdom here on earth. We are the hands and feet of God. And, to do God’s work, we must all do our part.

My favorite section from one of the songs in the musical is, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so. With this love I feel so free, and I’m not afraid to be me.” If this is the message our children learn from studying and singing this work, I will feel so successful. If we as adults listen and learn from our children, and we too take this message of love and acceptance for all and apply it to our own lives, WOW! Imagine the possibilities…

We look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday, May 13, at whichever service you choose.

Mary Ibis

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