Kick-off Sunday, Aug. 26

On the Road Again . . . Join us on Sunday, August 26 as we return to our regular Sunday morning worship schedule (8:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., and 11:00 a.m.) and “kick-off” a new year of Sunday School and educational opportunities at Second Presbyterian Church. Due to construction, our kick-off celebration will take place in the Sanctuary at 9:50 a.m. Activities will include a Presentation of Bibles and Welcome to Sunday School for our three year olds, introduction and “promotion” of our children and youth Sunday School classes, and (drum roll please) the world-premiere of “On The Road Again,” a documentary video based on the upcoming opportunities for Christian Education and Faith Formation for our church family with an all-star cast from right here at Second Presbyterian Church! Children and youth will enjoy refreshments in their Sunday School locations and adults will enjoy fellowship and refreshments following the celebration and screening.

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