Many congregation members have asked about ways that our church might be of help to those impacted by the destruction of Hurricane Florence in the Carolinas. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is the emergency relief organization of our denomination, and they are already mobilizing to be of service to those who have been impacted by this natural disaster.
Second Presbyterian Church regularly supports PDA through our annual Outreach Ministry budget and through the One Great Hour of Sharing, a special denominational offering that we collect each Easter. Additional financial donations, however, will certainly be needed as the damage caused by Hurricane Florence is both devastating and extensive.
If you would like to join us in further supporting Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s important work, please make your check out to Second Presbyterian Church with “PDA—Florence†in the memo line. We will also keep you updated as other opportunities for service arise.
Most importantly, we ask that you keep in your thoughts and prayers all those affected by Hurricane Florence as well as those who are serving them during this time of trauma and loss.