rEcess: Caring Inclusive Community

rEcess (99 Balloons) is a parents night out hosted by Second Presbyterian for community families experiencing disability. A high-energy evening, rEcess is an opportunity for children with disability and their siblings to learn, play and create with caring adult volunteers while parents have a little time to themselves. Our accessible facility and loving volunteers contribute to a fun, safe gathering for children with a variety of disabilities and their siblings.

The program originates from the nonprofit 99 Balloons whose mission statement is: “Building inclusive communities so that every person with a disability and their family can live a full life within relationships.” A reflection of the Second Presbyterian Welcome Statement, the program celebrates the worth of each and every child, regardless of disability.

We get to know our families and love them. Many of the children tell us how much they love this time at Second Presbyterian and what a difference it makes to their families. Participation is open to families of all faith traditions. Check out the brief videos, where our children tell us why they love rEcess at Second.

Second Presbyterian hosts rEcess five times a year on a Friday night. The dates for the 2019-2020 academic year are: September 6, November 22, January 10, February 28, and April 24. It takes a minimum of 20-23 volunteers to host an average rEcess gathering. Volunteers receive dinner, training and instruction at 5:00 p.m. before families arrive at 6:00 p.m. The Great Hall lights up with activity as plastic balls and wheeled vehicles fill the space. Parachute time is a favorite time for volunteers and children alike. Play and creativity stations allow children to choose among activities, and the evening ends with a movie in Bible Village. Families pick up by 9:00 p.m.

The program is seeking additional volunteers to staff our leadership team and our parents’ night out team. Training is provided. For more information, contact Alisa Secrest, or Jeannie Ford,

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