Cheeses with Jesus is an adult group for fellowship and Bible Study.
December Schedule:
- December 5 (7:00-9:00 p.m.): meet at 5 Berwyn Drive. Our Bible study will be texts in Isaiah commonly read during Advent as pointing to Jesus as the Messiah. Please bring a Bible.
- December 19 (6:30-8:30 p.m.): meet at 32 Kanis Creek Place. We will have a Potluck Christmas meal. Entrée will be provided; please bring a side dish/dessert/beverage to share.
Along with fellowship, we like to have some cheese & crackers, maybe a glass of wine. Drop in, receive refreshment for both body and soul (and please bring a Bible). Come join us! For more information, contact Catherine Allsbury, or (501) 227-0000.