February Short-Term Adult Sunday Class “How the Bible Came to Be”

Ever wonder how the Bible we use for our study and worship came to be?  Where did the material come from? Who decided what was “in” and what was “out?”  Come and explore the answers to questions like these and more in this four-week class. The class is led by Randy Bear and meets in Second Hall, 9:50-10:50 a.m.

February 3: The Bible (or Bibles) of the Church – A look at the structure of the Bible and how it differs among various faiths.

February 10: The Old Testament – An understanding of the creation of the Old Testament canon and the texts contained.

February 17: The New Testament – How the New Testament canon was formed and what was left out.

February 24: From Gutenberg to Today – How the Bible has evolved over the years.

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