Hunger Action Lenten Series

During the season of Lent, our Hunger Action team at Second Pres will be offering several opportunities for our church to learn more about food insecurity in Central Arkansas and how we can help members of our community in need. At the Hunger Action table in the Narthex, you can pick up a packet which includes hunger relief information and a detailed description and sign-ups for the following service/advocacy projects being offered:

Week One
SNAP Challenge

Week Two
SNAP Challenge debrief and/or Bale Elementary Spring Break Food Drive

Week Three
Thank you to Spring Break meal sites and/or volunteer at AR Food Bank

Week Four
Watch A Place at the Table and share the experience with others

Week Five
Bread for the World Offering of Letters

Week Six
Hunger Action Day of Service

Week Seven
Hunger Awareness Maundy Thursday Service

Lent is a time when many of us take time to reflect on how we might be more faithful, and we hope that you will join us in considering how God might be calling us to serve our neighbors. Contact Lindy Vogado in the church office, (501) 227-0000 or for more information.

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