Cheeses with Jesus is an adult group for fellowship and Bible Study.
Our next meeting will be February 20, 2019, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at 5 Berwyn Drive. We will continue our study of the Gospel of Mark.
March 6, 2019: We will meet for a time of fellowship & sharing following the Ash Wednesday service which begins at 6:30 p.m.
March 20, 2019: We will follow our usual schedule of meeting from 7:00-9:00 p.m. We will look at Gospel passages that tell the story of Holy Week.
Feel free to bring a Bible.
We are a group of adults who are in between ‘young adult’ and ‘retiree’. We are people who are church members, church visitors and friends of members. For more information, contact Catherine Allsbury,