Adult Sunday School Speaker Series

April 28: Dr. Tionna Jenkins – A Whole Food Plant-Based Journey: Food, Faith, Environment and Policy

Dr. Tionna Jenkins (PH.D., MPH) will help us understand the importance of diet, nutrition and lifestyle change—why it is important to eat an optimal diet and the impact that it has on our environment, decisions and health outcomes. Drawing on her 15 years of public health policy experience, she will share her personal journey and her passion for building movements resulting in effective change in solving complex problems. Dr. Jenkins is the Founder and Content Strategist of Plate it Healthy.

May 5: 50th Anniversary Hymn Sing

May 12: Rabbi Gene Levy – Jewish Mothers

May 19: Henry Goodspeed – Art and Spirituality
Art and Spirituality, Early Eastern Church Iconography. Years after the Catholic Church became primarily centered with a pope in Rome, the major schism occurred in 1054 between believing Christians. The East-West Schism was the break of communion between what are now the Catholic Church (primarily in the West) and Eastern Orthodox Churches. The story of Orthodox Christian Art takes on a life of its own, rich in history and symbolism. The Eastern Church is unique witness to the capacity of art to touch our inner selves beyond the capabilities of cognitive recitation. “Spirituality”, here, references the subjective journey of faith.

May 26: Henry Goodspeed – Art and Spirituality
Art and Spirituality, Modern day Christian and/or Social Witness through art. There are many instances where artists communicate with prophetic like voices [not foretelling but “forthtelling”, standing up for justice regardless of the consequences] or illuminating Christian truths with a force that cannot be matched with mere words. A great example is Marc Chagall’s “White Crucifixion”. This masterpiece was produced by a Russian Jew during the early days of Nazi horrors. Chagall paints Christ crucified as a Jew in the midst of tortured Jewish village life. Perhaps Chagall was saying “Think about what’s going on here! Jesus was a Jew you know! And he’s hurting now with his people.” You be the judge. All communicated without words. You’ll hear the story of a number of great artists and see several of their profound works in this class.

The class meets Sundays at 9:50 a.m. in Second Hall.

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