Wednesday highlights

We had the best lunch of the week, according to the kids – chicken patties, mashed potatoes and green beans! That after the best breakfast of the week – a delicious french toast casserole that made the whole lodge smell like heaven. It’s going to be a new favorite in the Downs household.

After lunch we all went to the Montreat pool. Sadly, after only a short bit it started thundering, so we had to all vacate the pool. We hoped that we could wait the 30 minutes required and get back in, but it kept thundering and then started to pour. We were shuttled by chauffer Jonathan to the general store, to spend the rest of our free time looking around there and in Ten Thousand Villages.

Tonight is the hymn-sing, which is a personal favorite of mine. Classes the next couple of days will be intense, because everyone is preparing for the concerts on Thursday night and Friday night. I’ve witnessed some great teaching this week with the children and the middlers in choir. The choir director for the middlers has them at 8:00, for which I told him they should give him hazzard pay. He said he teaches middle school choir at 8:00 in his job back home, and he’s used to the dazed looks and slow participation. At one point he got on to them for being so lackluster, and said something I appreciated, “Your parents paid a lot of money for you to be sitting here right now, so you’re going to do your daydreaming on your own time. Right now it’s time to work, and have fun doing it!” Amen! (To clarify, our middlers are participating very well, but the same can’t be said for several in there.)

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment. The first are of William leading his global music class (mostly adults) by teaching them a new song. The teacher said he was the best one to lead and asked him to play drums in worship with him! Thanks to Elizabeth for the pictures!

William and teacher

William teaching

Morning Orff: Reilly rocking the egg shaker and tubano drum



This face says it all about Huckleberry!

Clara and ice cream

A post on the sermon today is coming soon.

– Sharon, the determined blogger (determined to get more than 4 hours of sleep tonight!)

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