“Practicing Our Faith” a Milestone for 4th and 5th Graders

A milestone celebration is just around the corner!  4th and 5th graders will celebrate “Practicing Our Faith” with an overnight retreat at Ferncliff.  The retreat will begin at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 9,  and we will bring the children back for Sunday School on Sunday.  The first part of the retreat will be activities designed for parents and children to do together.  Parents/families will stay with us until 2:30 p.m. or so.  Parent participation is an important aspect of our Family Milestones Ministry.  This experience will provide resources and ideas for families to grow in faith together and to live out faith together. Contact Jeannie Ford (jeannieford@secondpreslr.org, 227-0000) for more information or to sign up.

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