Christian Nurture & Education

At Second Presbyterian we seek to provide a comprehensive educational ministry for the youngest members in our church family through the oldest. A variety of programs are offered for children, youth, and adults providing opportunities for biblical study, theological reflection and exploration, spiritual growth, and Christian nurture. Through these programs individuals are encouraged to become the persons God intends them to be- bearing witness to, and serving God both in the church and the world.

We are committed to an Educational Ministry which is:

  • Biblically grounded in both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament.
  • Historically informed in the heritage, theology, and polity of the Presbyterian and Reformed church.
  • Nurturing in the understanding of worship, prayer, study, and mission reflecting our ecumenical involvement in the universal Body of Christ through the study of and participation in Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Our programs seek to incorporate the social issues of the day, reaffirming our responsibilities to the sick, the hungry, the homeless, and the oppressed peoples of our community and the world.

Our learning environments foster fellowship and a sense of community through which the faith of individuals and families can be nurtured so that we can be those who pass our Christian heritage from generation to generation.

For more information contact our Church Educator, Jeannie Ford Andrews at (501) 227-0000 or e-mail